Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Jokes ☺

Pertama-tama, silahkan kalian (The Readers) mengheningkan Cipta Magunkusumo Atmoprajaya Diningrat dan dibaptis oleh Tuhan kalian masing-masing sebelum membaca JOKES dibawah ini. hahahaha  plakk

Alhamdulillah, sesuatu bangett yahh !!  ¤GUBRAK¤

Ahh, kayaknya saya terlalu bertele-tele nih dalam berceritanya --____-- jadi saya langsung saja dehh~
Itadakimasu~~ *lha kogg??*

What do you mean by telling everyone that I’m an idiot?
I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was supposed to be a secret!

Why are goldfish red?
Because the water turns them rusty!

What kind of hair do oceans have?
Wavy! *haha*

What is heavier, a full moon or a half moon?
The full moon! Because it’s lighter!!

Where do tadpoles change?
In a croakroom!

What town in England makes terrible sand-wiches?

What is the best hand to write with?
Neither! It’s best to write with a pen!!

Why did the child study in the aeroplane?
He wanted a higher education.

In the park this morning I was surrounded by Lions!
Lions? In the park??
Well, dandelions!

What would you call theft in Peking?
A Chinese takeaway!

What did you get for christmas?
A mouth-organ, it’s the best present I’ve ever had.
My mum gives me extra pocket money every week not to play it!

Mungkin segitu saja dulu yaww lain kali akan saya akan berikan yang lebih banyak lagi~~ XD

tentu bukan seMATA-MATA
buat meMATA-MATAi
yang perTAMA-TAMA
justru untuk mengAMAT-AMATi

Sekian, dan Terima Kasih atas kunjungannya! ☺☺☺

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